Now getting down to the nitty gritty. First get the float pins out without breaking anything.
Then try and get the needle valve retaining bracket off to remove the needle valve. I got them all out except for one which needed to be Dremelled (new verb).
Then remove the needle valve as a complete unit using a pair of pliers. Gently of course.

Looking at the needle valves it looked like there was some wear on the tips but I could not feel it with my finger nail. I think it was just marking. In any case the whole valve is being replaced as they come in the carb refurb kits I now have.
Then I removed the choke valves. This again was not a straight forward job. The height of choke valve nut and the recess of the ring spanner meant that there was only a mm of grip. One of the valve nuts got a little burred. It was also very difficult to hold the carb body and apply enough force to turn the nut. More concoction did the trick.
Now to get the carb bodies and all the bits ultrasonically cleaned. Then vapour blast the bodies and see what options I can find for anodizing.
I am still wondering about these bits. I have to remove this plate around one of the throttle butterful valves (more concoction) and then what happens to these springs? Most of what I have read tells me not to try and dismantle the butterfly valves. But this spring is really rotten and I would like to get it off to replace it.
That would mean undoing this nut.